Atomic ML

Atomic ML (AML) is a valuable primitive provided by the Neural blockchain. This features enables smart contract developers to call machine learning models in Solidity with atomic settlement. By allowing developers to access machine learning models atomically on-chain, AI developers can build never-before-seen applications that are composable and verifiable on-chain. However, Neural recommends approaching AML with some caution. Currently, not all models are feasible to include as an AML due to the processing time of inference requests. It is vital that the network remains healthy and resistant to attacks, thus, Neural will slowly roll out a handful of small models to illuminate the potential of this technology prior to onboarding more advanced capabilities provided network health and community feedback.

Neural supports any ONNX model with a size less than 128kb. The ONNX NVM primitive runs model inference atomically as part a blockchain transaction and can be incorporated into other smart contract logic. Technical details can be found here.

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